Click Anywhere to Generate a Random Play
Why is the image broke?
Click anywhere and it should start. I don't know why it starts out with the broken image, nor do I care to fix it.
What is this for?
This is for Tecmo Super Bowl, or Super Tecmo Bowl (I can never decide how I want to say it or write it) it's an NES game that came out in 1991.
1991!? Wow! That is OLD! YOU are old!
Okay, for an old NES game but specifically what is this used for?
Growing up I was a shy loner and if I tried to play with my younger brother he would rage quit usually before the end of the 1st quarter. So I've been playing against the computer for more than thirty years. It's not that challenging (not that it was to begin with either) add to that my NES cartridge would never save my season so I gave up trying to have seasons and just played in preseason mode. Therefore, for anyone familiar with the game the "Juice" never kicked in. SO to keep things interesting I play all time offense against myself. In the game each player picks from the eight plays (4 run, 4 pass). The offense picks what play they are going to run, the defense tries to guess what play the offense is going to run. If this happens the play has been "picked" by the defense and the poor offense is buried by an avalance of super juiced up defenders for an almost certain loss of yards. However, because I am playing as both I need to pick the defensive play randomly and after I have picked a play on offense. I've used a clunky Google sheets version, to set to a value between one and eight, and I've also made a version of this in C# but an online version can be accessed from anywhere so here we are.
So one of the things that has made Tecmo Super Bowl, or Super Tecmo Bowl (from now on I'm just going to write TSB) so long lasting and have such a cult following is that it's a Japanese take on what they thought football to be combined with how games were made in the NES days. So if you play a season and win your first game it's tracked internally, each successive win is like going up a level and therefore becoming more difficult. In what little season playing I've done I usually just "reset" the juice around week 8 and then again at the end of the season before the playoffs start. Proof of this can be found on the very site I started modding the game with over ten years ago. I'm "Ghost" on there, come say "hi". There you can find the proof of "Juice", how it works and how to mess with it documented and said better than any way I could.
Last Updated: 2/3/2024